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Top Classified
A Filipina and a Norwegian seek a Filipina to join us
We are a couple, a nice Filipina and a mature, handsome Norwegian Viking are seekinga young Filipina to join us on vacation, one week or more. A young Filipina who lovesto be with both a girl and a man.Promise you the best time ever. We stay in luxury hotel, enjoy life with one to one or threesome. We go eating the best food and drink the best drinks, and we go shopping.Pls reply with information, pictures, age and location.You may write to : johnjohnandresen@yahoo.comNO SCAMMERS!!
Virtual acquaintance?
Afraid of having real relationship?Lets talk virtually   repltih00@gmail.com
Friendship after 50
Discreet friendship with woman before or after 50 reltih00@gmail.com
A Filipina and a Norwegian seek a Filipina to join us
We are a couple, a nice Filipina and a mature, handsome Norwegian Viking are seekinga young Filipina to join us on vacation, one week or more. A young Filipina who lovesto be with both a girl and a man.Promise you the best time ever. We stay in luxury hotel, enjoy life with one to one or threesome. We go eating the best food and drink the best drinks, and we go shopping.Pls reply with information, pictures, age and location.You may write to : johnjohnandresen@yahoo.comNO SCAMMERS!!
Loneliness in the Crowd
I think that there are many people who understand loneliness in a crowd, and specifically in a relationship. Loneliness in the physical sense is also very unhealthy. If you feel the same, please write to reltih00@gmail.com (zeroes in email)
Rolnik szuka żony
Jeśli jesteś poniżej 40 roku życia i pracowita, kochająca nature I zwierzęta skontaktuj się ze mną... 705-464-0506
man looking for a young woman
A man, 42, without addictions, with great interests, who loves traveling and nature, is looking for a young woman who would like to spend time together and start a family. 705-464-0506
I will meet a lady up to the age of 60
wanted for a walk, hiking etc 6477825268
62 years old would meet polish girl
50 -60 yo6477825268
Edytka odezwij się do mnie.
I'm looking for a lady
Hi, I'm looking for a woman with whom I can spend time together. Toronto and surroundings. Email - dsitatast@gmail.com . Regards
He's looking
I'm looking for a casual friend. (
he 61 years old
I will meet lady 647 7826268
I know the lady
Od 50 do 59 lat647 782 5268
Gentleman for sale
I am selling myself to a lady over 50. Serious offers only
he 61 years old
I will meet lady 647 7825268
A young man of 29, financially independent with Polish values, looking for happiness in a relationship based on friendship and trust. I'm not looking for a casual acquaintance. Write: Adam3481x@gmail.com
Masz ochotę porozmawiać i przeżyć coś więcej? ;)
Witam wszystkie Panie na Kanadyjskiej ziemi :) Jestem Paweł, mam 37 lat od pół roku jestem w Kanadzie. W tym szarym jesiennym okresie jak każdy potrzebujemy więcej dotyku i czułości dlatego chętnie poznam i nawiąże dyskretną znajomość z kobietą która potrzebuje zrozumienia, czasu na rozmowę o wszystkim i o niczym :) Jeśli czujesz się ignorowana i niedoceniana przez partnera może to już czas na zmianę. Umiem wysłuchać i sprawić że znowu poczujesz się adorowana :) Uwielbiam długie noce przy kominku i winie :) Napisz email a może to będzie początek znajomości która sprawi że znów będziesz się czuła pożądana i dostarczy trochę adrenaliny :)
Mr. 62 years old
I am looking for a woman aged 50 to 62647-782-5268atar2202@hotmail.ca
on 60
I will meet a woman under 55, well-groomed, honest and emotional, with no addictions, for better or for worse. If you take me in, you will be happy, I promise. Write to me at : grzesinek.k@wp.pl